Blog | Oakwood Theme Park - Part 28

Photo Competition T&Cs

14 September, 2018

  This competition is open to anyone, but excludes employees of Oakwood Theme Park.   The competition details are: submit your photo entries via Facebook depicting your favourite memories at Oakwood Theme Park this year.

Back to His Roots: Meet Our Business Relationship Manager

31 August, 2018

A Whole Lot of History Paul is not exactly new to the business; originally from Begelly, the father-of-one spent two summer seasons working here as a ride supervisor back in the early 90s.

Speed's Speedy Recovery Plan

8 August, 2018

Speed is a little under the weather at the moment, but fear not, we’re doing our best to make sure this thrill-seeker makes a rapid return to recovery.   Here’s a sneak peak behind Speed’s rehabilitation programme for the week ahead.

Speed Non-Operational for One Week

7 August, 2018

On Sunday 5th August, during our daily checks before opening to the public, engineers spotted a problem with the chain tension on Speed. In order to investigate this thoroughly, the car has been taken off the tracks and the ride manufacturer contacted for further support.  

Kids Go Free to Oakwood in Celebration of Welsh Win!

30 July, 2018

This week, to celebrate Welsh cyclist Geraint Thomas MBE winning the prestigious Tour de France, Oakwood Theme Park are allowing children free entry to the theme park if they are wearing their own version of a yellow jersey!